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Special Collections and Archives

Serving counties:

Public, academic and some special libraries or other organizations that acquire, house and make available to the community for purposes of research or appreciation, rare books, aggregations of printed works or manuscripts on a particular subject or by a particular author; artistic materials by a particular artist or representative of a particular era or style; or other collectibles that are rare, of special interest, of historical significance or of scholarly value. Also included are organizations that acquire, classify and make available to the community on a loan or distribution basis, special document collections or reading materials in a variety of language or special formats which enable people who have visual or hearing impairments or who read in a language other than English to enjoy leisure reading materials and selected nonfiction and reference works. Some collections include materials that require specialized security and user services. Some special collections are standalone institutions that are privately funded, such as the Newberry Library or the American Antiquarian Society while others are part of a larger institution, such as the Beinecke Library at Yale University. Many American university special collections grew out of the merging of rare book rooms and manuscripts departments in a university's library system.

Found 2 resources (displaying 2)

Braille Materials/Collections

Thru: New York State Library Talking Book and Braille Library

Be unable to read standard printed materials because of visual or physical disability (missing limb, severe arthritis, etc.) or have a diagnosed reading​/learning disability. Must have an IOS, android or recent kindle device to download digital braille and audio books from BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download)
Map Marker 1

New York State Library Talking Book and Braille Library

222 Madison Avenue
Cultural Education Center
Albany, NY

Grants Research Collections

Thru: Leadership Cayuga

Open to all non profits.
Map Marker 2

Leadership Cayuga

2 State Street
Auburn, NY

M-F 8:30AM-5:00PM.

Cultural Competency BadgeCultural Competency

Language Access BadgeLanguage Access