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Dual Diagnosis

Serving counties: Ontario

A condition in which individuals have a diagnosed mental illness that interferes with their functioning in a substantial way in combination with a developmental disability. "Dual Diagnosis" was previously used in the U.S. to describe individuals with a combination of a diagnosed mental illness and a substance use disorder, and is seen by many as a synonym for "Co-Occurring Disorders" (YF-5000.1515).

Found 4 resources (displaying 4)

Thru: Westfall Associates

Persons with Substance Use Disorder and​/or family member.
Map Marker 1

Westfall Associates

919 Westfall Road
Building B
Rochester, NY

Answering machine after hours directs to on-call person. There are group and individual services provided M-TH after the phone system is switched to after-hours messaging.

Thru: John L. Norris Addiction Treatment Center

Any substance abuse​/addiction problem and gambling addiction. Age 18 or older.
Spanish, American Sign Language
Map Marker 2

John L. Norris Addiction Treatment Center

1732 South Avenue
Rochester, NY

24 hours.

Thru: Hillside

Creekside: Ages 5-21 with intellectual disability and severe mental health challenges. O'Conner: Grades 9-12. e-START: Grades 9-12 who are average or above-average intelligence but have emotional challenges.
Map Marker 3

Creekside School

41 O’Connor Road
Fairport, NY

Map Marker 4

Monroe #1 BOCES

2000 Lehigh Station Road
Henrietta, NY

Map Marker 5

O’Connor Academy

25 O’Connor Road
Fairport, NY

Thru: University of Rochester Medical Center

Ages 14 years and older. Methadone maintenance: Accepted into program only if there have been failed attempts at drug treatment.
American Sign Language
Map Marker 6

Strong Recovery

300 Crittenden Boulevard
Rochester, NY

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