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Results for "transportation"

Filtered by Individual and Family Support Services

Serving Counties:

Found 77 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Thru: Marge's Trolley

Must be ambulatory. Must schedule appointment ahead of time. Call for information.
Map Marker 1

Marge's Trolley

171A Demeter Drive
Rochester, NY

Thru: Episcopal SeniorLife Communities

Age 55 or older. Must have active Medicaid, chronic health condition verified by medical provider, or Homeless.
Map Marker 2

Ashley Woods

400 YMCA Way
Penfield, NY

Thru: Catholic Charities Steuben/Livingston

One of the following: seniors over the age of 60 who live at home; people of any age who are physically challenged and are receiving SSD; those who are homebound, lonely, or chronically ill; people newly discharged from the hospital, recovering from surgery or illness; OR Families, friends, and caregivers of persons in these situations.
Map Marker 3

Catholic Charities of Livingston County

34 E State Street
Mount Morris, NY

Thru: Seniors Helping Seniors

Seniors in area served in need of assistance.

Thru: Catholic Charities Family and Community Services

Call or email for information.
Map Marker 4

Catholic Charities Family and Community Services

87 N Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY

Thru: Fairport Perinton Senior Living Council

Individuals ages 60 or older or individuals with disabilities who live within the Town of Perinton and the Village of Fairport.
Map Marker 5

Fairport Perinton Senior Living Council

4646 Nine Mile Point Road
Fairport, NY

Thru: Town of Wheatland

Ages 60 years and older.
Map Marker 6

Town of Wheatland

22 Main Street
Scottsville, NY

M,W,TH 10:00AM-2:00PM. Lunch is served at noon.

Thru: Jewish Home

Adults with physical or psychosocial needs requiring day time support​/supervision.
Map Marker 7

Jewish Home

2000 Summit Circle Drive
Rochester, NY

M-F 8:00AM-2:00PM, 1:00PM-6:00PM.

Thru: Jewish Home

Call for information.
Map Marker 8

Jewish Home

2000 Summit Circle Drive
Rochester, NY

Thru: Health and Wellness Referral Services

Senior citizens and individuals with disabilities who don't qualify to receive public assistance, Medicaid or EISEP.
Map Marker 9

Health and Wellness Referral Services

24 Main Street
Mount Morris, NY

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