
Fairport Perinton Senior Living Council

thru: Fairport Perinton Senior Living Council

Provides a community-based volunteer group that assists area elderly in maintaining independent lifestyles.

Offers independent living options for seniors, including rentals for low-income older adults.

Offers a care management and transportation program, Senior Options for Independence Program (SOFI).
  • Care Managers meet with residents to assess their needs, offer services so that they may remain independent in their own homes as long as possible and then follow up.
  • Elderbus provides transportation 5 days each week so that seniors can complete essential errands like grocery shopping, have their hair done or get to a local doctor appointment. Transportation outside of Fairport and Perinton is also available.

Language Access BadgeLanguage Access

Eligibility: Individuals ages 60 or older or individuals with disabilities who live within the Town of Perinton and the Village of Fairport.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Proof of income.

Fees: SOFI and Elder Bus: no fees for service. Suggested Donations $3.00 one way or $5.00 roundtrip, donations accepted but not required.

Coverage Note: Towns of Perinton and Fairport.

Languages: Spanish


This program is offered here:

Fairport Perinton Senior Living Council

Map Marker 1
4646 Nine Mile Point Road
Fairport NY 14450
(Senior Living Council)
(SOFI Care Management)
(Elderbus & Volunteer Driver program)
M-F 8:30AM-4:00PM.
Disabilities Access:
Elderbus is wheelchair accessible. Volunteer drivers use their own vehicles.


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