Supported and Vocational Employment Services
thru: The Arc Wayne
• Provides Supported and Vocational Employment services for individuals with disabilities.
- Pathway to Employment: Assists in discovery of a person's skills, interests, and abilities. Duration of the program is the lesser 278 hours or 365 days, and participants are involved in at least two vocational activities and three short vocational experiences during the program.
- Support Employment (SEMP): Provides the supports needed to obtain and maintain paid, competitive jobs in the community at or above minimum wage. Individuals with ID/DD typically transition to SEMP after they receive supported employment services through the NYS Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR), and require limited job coaching to successfully maintain their employment. Individuals also come to supported employment from programs that offer intensive training through OPWDD.
This program is offered here:
The Arc Wayne

150 Van Buren Street
Newark NY 14513
Newark NY 14513
After Hours:
M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM. Crisis intervention accessible 24 hours a day. Residential
services available 24 hours a day.
services available 24 hours a day.