
Services for Older Refugee Program

thru: Catholic Charities Family and Community Services

 Offfers assistance and support to help people acclimate and access resources and also to help to become citizens.

Cultural Competency BadgeCultural Competency

Language Access BadgeLanguage Access

Eligibility: Call or email for information.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: No fee for services.

Coverage Note: Monroe County.

Cultural Competency: Signage and advertising for diverse populations, Cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion training for staff, Staff reflects population served

Languages: Call agency for other language availabilities. - Staff provides service in language offered, Staff provides in-person interpreter, Materials/literature in language indicated, Website can be translated


This program is offered here:

Catholic Charities Family and Community Services

Map Marker 1
87 N Clinton Avenue
Rochester NY 14604
M-F 8:30AM-5:00PM.
SA and evenings by appointment.
Bus Service:
Next to Downtown RTS hub.



Jennifer McDermott
Department Director

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