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Theater Performances

Community and university-based programs or organizations operating on a commercial basis that offer plays and stage productions including Broadway shows, drama, comedy and musicals as well as mime, performance art and other theater forms. Also included are organizations that arrange for theater festivals or special theatrical productions for school children, older adults, people with disabilities and other groups; or which sponsor productions in parks or other community locations including institutions.

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Thru: Geva Theatre Center

Map Marker 1

Geva Theatre Center

75 Woodbury Boulevard
Rochester, NY

Box office hours: TU-F 12:00PM-8:00PM, SA 12:00PM-8:30PM, SU 12:00PM-7:00PM. On non-performance days the box office closes at 6:00PM and is closed on SU. For events scheduled on Mondays the box office will be open 90 minutes prior to event start-time.

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