
Home Energy Assistance Program/HEAP

thru: Monroe County Department of Human Services

Processes applications for financial assistance for low-income individuals through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), which offers various benefit components

  • Regular HEAP benefit: assists low-income individuals with the cost of heating their homes. Regular HEAP applications: Opened November 1, 2023 (Closing Date: April 12, 2024).
  • Emergency HEAP benefit: assists low-income individuals facing a heat or heat-related energy emergency Opened January 2, 2024.
  • Heating Equipment Repair or Replacement (HERR): assists low-income homeowners repair/replace their furnaces. Heating Equipment Repair or Replacement applications.
  • Heating Equipment Clean & Tune: provides equipment inspections and cleanings before the start of the heating season. Heating Equipment Clean & Tune Component Applications.
  • Cooling Assistance: provides cooling assistance (vendor-installed air conditioner or fan) to HEAP-eligible households. Must complete a paper Cooling Assistance Application. Opened April 15, 2024. Closing date: July 22, 2024.

Eligibility: Low-income or recipient of Temporary Assistance and/or SNAP benefits. Income guidelines apply. Furnace repair: home must be owner-occupied. For cooling assistance, must qualify for HEAP.

Application Process: Regular HEAP benefits: Apply by paper application or online during HEAP Season. If HEAP Season is closed: -Non-Temporary Assistance SNAP recipient households may call 753-2740 for heat/utility emergencies. -Temporary Assistance households, call 753-2750 for heat/utility emergencies. HEAP Emergency benefits: Must apply over the phone or in person. Must have already received a regular HEAP benefit.

Required Documentation: Call 753-6477 for information.

Fees: None.

Coverage Note: Monroe County.


This program is offered here:

(Receving Non-Temporary Assistance SNAP/Team 41)
(Receiving Temporary Assistance)
(Not receiving Temporary Assistance or SNAP)
(Westfall and Saint Paul St.)
M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM.


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